To get detailed feedback on your Big Five scores (including facet scores) go to John Johnson’s excellent online test.

To learn about the research on the Picture Story Exercise (PSE) and the analysis of hidden motives, see Oliver Schultheiss’s webpage.

To get the latest on Karl Grammer’s research at the Ludwig Boltzmann Institute for Urban Ethology, check out his papers here.

The work by Anthony Little and David Perrett on personality traits associated with faces can be found at this website. The website also has opportunities for you to take part in some online studies.

James Pennebaker’s text analysis software program for analyzing language, “Linguistic Inquiry and Word Count,” can be found here.

You can find out more about Daniel Ames’s terrific studies on personality and interpersonal perception at his webpage.

More information on the work by Michael Norton and his colleagues on our super-sensitivity to stereotypes can be found here.


Looking for the pdfs that come with the audiobook? Go here and scroll down to the “Download the accompanying reference guide” link.

To learn more about Sam’s academic pursuits visit his webpage at the University of Texas at Austin

Visit the New Scientist website to check out the Editor’s Top Picks of 2008 which includes Sam Gosling’s SNOOP.

Visit Basic Books, the US publisher of Snoop

Visit Profile Books, the UK publisher of Snoop

For some consistently interesting thoughts on the connections between people and the world around them, check out Joe McCarthy’s blog

For information about a SNOOP inspired art exhibition, go here. An mp3 of a radio interview about the exhibition where SNOOP is mentioned can be found here.

Love is oxytocin, are you in love?

To find out more about Truehome, which makes up a large portion of the last chapter, please visit their website.

Can oxytocin ease shyness? Read this Time article to find out.